绕包、带绕包、包带 lapping
绕包角 lapping angle
绕包方向 lapping direction
绕包头、带包头、包带头 lapping head
绕包转速、纸包头转速 lapping head speed
绕包机、包带机 lapping machine
接头绕包 lapping of a joint
纸(绝缘绕)包 lapping of paper insulation
绕包张力 lapping tension
包带头 lapping unit
间隙绕包 lapping with butt gap
重叠绕包 lapping with overlap
绕包机、包带机 lapping-machine
绕包节距 lay of lapping
成缆和包带生产线 laying-up and taping line
铅包线、铅皮线 lead covered wire
铅护套、铅包 lead sheathing
铅合金包覆软铜线 lead-alloy-coated soft copper wire
铅套[包]电缆 lead-coated cable
铅包软铜线 lead-coated soft copper wire
铅包[套]电缆 lead-covered cable
铅(护)套、铅护套 lead-sheath
铅包钢带铠装、铅套加钢带铠装 lead-sheath,steel-taped
铅套[包]电缆 lead-sheathed cable
挤压[包]铅护、压铅 lead-sheathing
内衬[包]层 inner covering
包装检验 inspection of packaging
绝缘与护套挤包设备 insulating and jacketing plant
绝缘绕包 insulation build-up填充包套联合生产线 integrated filling and sheathing line
搭接[交替重叠]绕包带 intercalated tapes
搭接绕包带 interlocked tape
搭接[交替重叠]绕包带 interlocked tapes
护套(在北美、 sheath
仅指金属包覆层)、护层、外壳 jacket
护套、包护层 jacketing
包括、包含 including
包含的、包含在内的 inclusive
高速2/4盘纸包头 high speed 2/4 pad paper lapping head
高压纸包机 high voltage paper taping machine
蜂房线圈绕组线、防滑漆包线 honeycomb wire
卧式笼型包带机、卧式笼型绕[纸]包机 horizontal cage lapper
卧式笼型包带机、卧式笼型绕[纸]包机 horizontal cage type lapping machine
卧式剥带包带联合机 horizontal de-taping and taping machine
卧式漆包机 horizontal enamelling machine
卧式漆包炉 horizontal enamelling oven
卧式包带机 horizontal taping machine
汉堡包、牛肉饼 hamburger
绕包型接头 hand-wrapped splice
绕包式电缆终端头 hand-wrapped termination
女用皮包、手提包 handbag
硬塑料包层光纤 hard plastic clad optical fiber
硬包层光纤 hard-clad fiber
硬拉铝包钢线 hard-drawn aluminium-clad steel wire
硬拉铜包钢线 hard-drawn copper-clad steel wire
热粘合或溶剂自焊性漆包铜圆线 heat or solvent bonding self-gluxing enamelled round copper wire
耐热直焊性漆包线 heat-resistant and solderable enamelled wire
双层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线 heavy epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
重型橡皮带绕包机 heavy rubber tape lapping machine
重型切线式包带机 heavy type tangential tape reinforcing machine
螺旋式绕包 helical application
纸带怕螺旋形绕包 helical lapping of paper
螺旋形绕包、螺绕 helical wrapping
密封(包层)光纤 hermetic (optical) fiber
间隙、间隔、距离、绕包间隙 gap
燃气或电热式漆包装置 gas-fired or electrically heated wire enamelling plant
玻璃丝包线 glass covered wire
玻璃丝包线 glass fiber covered wire
玻璃丝包机 glass fiber covering machine
玻璃丝包机 glass yarn insulation wire covering machine
玻璃丝包薄膜绕包扁线 glass-fiber and film covered rectangular wire
玻璃丝包漆包扁线 glass-fiber covered enamelled rectangular wire
玻璃丝包绕组线 glass-fiber covered winding wire
玻璃丝包扁铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered rectangular copper magnet wire
玻璃丝包圆铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered round copper magnet wire
玻璃丝包有机硅漆浸渍扁铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered silicone-treated rectangular copper magnet wire
玻璃丝包有机硅漆浸渍圆铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered silicone-treated round copper magnet wire
玻璃丝包有机硅漆浸渍矩形铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered silicone-treated square copper magnet wire
玻璃丝包矩形铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered square copper magnet wire
漆包线 glazed wire
氟树脂漆包线 fluoro-resin enamelled wire
箔带、铝箔)绕包头 foil-spinner
纵包成型模 folding tool
四盘偏心式包带机 four pad eccentric tape head四带绕包头 four-tape lapping head
耐氟利昂漆包线 freon-resistant enamelled wire
全自动圈线包装机 full automatic coil packaging plant
全掺氟光纤(包套和纤芯材料均掺氟) fully fluorine-doped optical fiber
光纤包层 fiber cladding
光纤包皮 fiber sheath
玻璃丝包线 fiber-glass covered wire
玻璃丝包机 fiber-glass insulating machine
光纤松套管-紧包缓冲层挤出生产线 fiber-optic loose tube-tight buffer
光纤二次涂层、包套、绞合及着色生产线 fiber-optic secondary coating,sheath
列入、包括进 figure into
薄膜绕包机 film wrapping machine
平面式绕包 flat lapper
绕包头 flier
超高强度钢芯铝包钢绞线 extra-high strength steel cored aluminium steel stranded cable
光纤外包层 extramural cladding
挤出[压、包、制] extrude
挤出[压、包、制]的 extruded
挤制漆包线 extruded enamel wire
挤包内护层、内填充护套 extruded inner covering
挤包绝缘 extruded insulation
挤包屏蔽 extruded screen
挤包实体介质绝缘电力电缆 extruded solid dielectric insulated power cable
挤出[制、包、压] extruding
挤出[制、包、压] extrusion
电缆上挤包护套 extrusion of the sheath on to the cable
挤出[压、包、制]方法 extrusion process
椭圆形包层光纤 elliptic(al) clad(ding) fiber
体现、包括(含) embody
包围、纳于怀中 embosom
涂漆装置、漆包机 enamel applicator
漆包炉 enamel curing oven
双丝包漆包线 enamel double-silk-covered wire
耐热高强度漆包线 enamel heatable high-durable wire
漆包绝缘 enamel insulation
漆包锰铜线 enamel manganin
丝包漆包线 enamel silk-covered wire
漆包圆铜电磁线 enamel-coated round copper magnet wire
漆包线 enamel-covered wire
漆包线 enamel-insulated wire
涂漆的、漆包的 enamelized
纱包漆包线 enamelled and cotton-covered wire
漆包绝缘电缆、漆包线 enamelled cable
漆包铜线 enamelled copper conductor
漆包扁线 enamelled rectangularsection conductor
漆包铜圆线 enamelled round copper wire
漆包圆绕组线 enamelled round winding wire
漆包圆线 enamelled round wire
漆包绕组线 enamelled winding wire
漆包线 enamelled wire
漆包线车间 enamelled wire department
漆包线扭绞仪 enamelled wire twisting tester
涂漆、漆包 enamelling
漆包炉 enamelling furnace
漆包机 enamelling machine
催化燃烧漆包机 enamelling machine with catalytic combustion device
漆包炉 enamelling oven
漆包炉膛 enamelling oven chamber
漆包炉 enamelling tower
漆包车间 enamelling workshop
围绕、包围 environ
环氧漆包线 epoxy enamelled wire
环氧漆包扁铜电磁线 epoxy-coated rectangular copper magnet wire
环氧漆包圆铜电磁线 epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
环氧漆包矩形铜电磁线 epoxy-coated square copper magnet wire
双丝包线 double silk-covered wire
双包层光纤、双涂层光纤 double-coated fiber
双包层光纤 double-coated optical fiber
双纱包的 double-cotton covered
双纱包机 double-cotton covering machine
双纸包头 double-paper head
双面漆包机 double-side enamellibg machine
双丝包的、双层丝绝缘 double-silk covered
双丝包机 double-silk covering machine
双包层条形介质波导 doubly-cladded slab dielectric waveguide
电缆包扎 dressing of cable
电缆盘包装机 drum packaging machine
双层绕包头 dual lapping head
双钢带绕包头 dual steel taping head
双层绕包头 duplicate lapping head
偏心式绕包头 eccentric lapper
偏心式绕包机 eccentric taper
偏心式包带头 eccentric taping head
双丝包漆包线 eds(enamel double-silk-covered wire)
无模漆包机 die-less enamel applicator
掺杂石英包层光纤 doped-silica cladded fiber
双纱包线 double cotton-covered wire
双层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线 double epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
双玻璃包扁线 double glass-fiber covered rectangular wire
双玻璃丝包圆线 double glass-fiber covered roundr wire
双重纵包 double longitudinal application
数据包 data packing
凹陷型包复 depressed clad
深凹陷内包层光纤 depressed cladding fiber
对角线绕包 diagonal lapper
纱包头 cotton covering machine
纱包头[装置] cotton covering unit
纱包头 cotton lapping head
表层导体 skin conductor
表面电阻 surface resistance
表面电阻率 surface resistivity
表面放电 surface discharge
堆焊、表面熔焊接 welded hard surfacing
表面活性剂 surface active agent
表面缺陷 surface blemish
表面冷却电缆 surface cooled cable
表面裂纹 surface cracks
表面缺陷 surface defect
表面放电 surface discharge
表面质量 surface finish
表面缺陷[裂纹] surface flaw
表面缺陷 surface imperfection
表面缺陷 surface irregularity
堆焊、表面熔焊接 surface layer welding
表面漏泄电流 surface leakage current
表面损失 surface losses
表面润滑剂 surface lubricant
粒状表面 surface of granular structure
表面保护 surface protection
表面质量 surface quality
表面复合 surface recombination
表面电阻 surface resistance
表面电阻试验 surface resistance test
表面电阻率[系数] surface resistivity
表面粗糙度 surface roughness
表面处理导体 surface treated conductor
表面处理 surface treatment
表面波 surface wave
表面加工 surface working
表面活性剂 surfactant
护套表面 sheath surface
表面气泡 skin hole
轧辊表面的裂纹、轧辊的掉角 fracture of roll
皱纹表面 corrugated surface
连续式化学表面处理 chemical surface treatment
包层表面直径偏差 cladding surface diameter deviation
电缆表面穿孔器 cable boring toll
丙烯腈-丙烯酸酯-苯乙烯 AAS
丙烯醛基丁二烯橡胶 ABR
丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯 ABS
丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯橡胶 ABSR
有机玻璃即聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 polymethyl methacrylate plastics
苯乙烯-丙烯腈 taking of sample
丙烯 propene
丙烯 propylene
聚丙烯 polypropylene
聚丙烯基薄膜 polypropylene base film
聚丙烯基薄膜 polypropylene based film
聚丙烯填充绳 polypropylene filler yarn
聚丙烯复合纸 polypropylene laminated paper
聚丙烯螺旋绕扎绳 polypropylene serving yarn
高吸水丙烯酸纤维 highly water-absorbent acrylic fiber
通用乙丙烯橡皮护套 general-purpose ethylene-propylene rubber jacket
泡沫聚丙烯绳 foamed continuous filament polypropylene
丙烯酸 acrylis
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 PMMA(polymethyl methacrylate) Polypropylene
聚丙烯 PP
聚丙烯绝缘线 Pro-fax insulated wire
苯乙烯-丙烯腈 SAN(styrene-acrylonitride)
乙烯-丙烯二烯系共聚物 EPDM(ethylene-propylene terpolymer)
乙烯丙烯单体 EPM(ethylene propylene monomer)
乙烯-丙烯-三聚合物橡胶 EPTR(ethylene-propylene-terpolymer-rubber)
氟化乙烯丙烯绝缘玻璃或石棉编织线 FEP insulated wire with glass or asbestos braid
氟乙烯丙烯 FEP(fluorethylene propylene)
氟化乙烯丙烯 FEP(fluorinated ethylene propylene)
氟化乙烯丙烯绝缘玻璃或石棉编织线 FEPB(fluorated ethylene-propylene insulated wire with glass or asbestos braid)
并列圆导体扁电缆 round conductor flat cable
平行[并排、并列]敷设 parallel arrangement
平行[并排、并列]敷设 laying in parallel
平行[并列、并排]敷设 laying side by side
并列摆动分线板 coordinated oscillating face plate
扁形电缆、并列电缆、平行敷设的电缆 cables in flat formation并纱 throwing
并纱机、并丝机 throwing machine
并纱机 slubbing frame
并纱机、并丝机 slubbing machine
十字并纱机 cross-slubbing machine
并线模 twisting closer
两合并线模 split-die block
两合并线模 split-die stranding block
并线模 stranding closer
并线模 stranding nipple
喇叭状并线模座 horn-tube
并线模 closing die
并线模架 closing die stand
并线模、轧辊孔型 caliber
并线模、轧辊孔型 calibre
并线模架 calibre holder
玻璃绝缘材料 glass insvlating material
钢化玻璃 toughened glass
退火玻璃 annealed glass
热震试验(对钢化玻璃绝缘子) thermal shock test(for toughened glass insulator)
环氧玻璃粉带 epoxy esin bonded glass-backed micapaper tape
云母玻璃 glass-bonded mica
瓷、玻璃或类似无机材料套管 ceramic,glass of analogous inorganic material bushing
环氧玻璃漆布 epoxy resin impreged glass cloth
有机硅玻璃漆管 silicone impreged gla ss cloth tube
有机玻璃即聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 polymethyl methacrylate plastics
环氧层压玻璃布板 epoxy resin impreged glass cloth lam inated sheet
钢化玻璃 toughened glass
玻璃绝缘绕组线 winding wire with with glass-insulation
浸漆玻璃丝编织铜线 varnish-bonded glass-braided copper conductor
深漆玻璃丝包铜线 varnish-bonded glass-lapped copper conductor
浸漆玻璃丝包铜扁线 varnish-treated glass-fibre covered rectangular copper wire
石英玻璃 silex
单玻璃丝包漆包圆线 single glass-fiber covered enamelled round wire
气籽、(玻璃中的)小气泡 seed
聚酯玻璃丝包扁铜电磁线 polyester-glass-fiber-covered rectangular copper magnet wire
聚酯玻璃丝包圆铜电磁线 polyester-glass-fiber-covered round copper magnet wire
聚酯玻璃丝包矩形铜电磁线 polyester-glass-fiber-covered square copper magnet wire
光学玻璃 optical glass
云母玻璃、(压粘)云母块 mycalex
玻璃膜绝缘微细线 micro wire with glass fiber film-insulation
绝缘玻璃小珠 insulating bead
玻璃珠 glass braid
玻璃丝编织(层) glass coated micro wire
玻璃膜微细线 glass coated superfine wire
玻璃膜微细线 glass covered enamelled wire
玻璃膜超细线 glass covered extra fine wire
玻璃丝包线 glass covered wire
玻璃纤维、玻璃丝 glass fiber
玻璃丝包线 glass fiber covered wire
玻璃丝包机 glass fiber covering machine
玻璃纤维绝缘、玻璃丝绝缘 glass fiber insulation
玻璃纤维增强塑料、玻璃钢 glass fiber reinforced plastics
玻璃纤维、玻璃丝 glass fibre
玻璃纤维织物 glass fibre fabric
玻璃纤维带 glass fibre tape
玻璃纤维波导 glass fibre waveguide
玻璃丝 glass fibre yarn
玻璃绝缘子 glass insulator
玻璃粉 glass power
玻璃丝包机 glass yarn insulation wire covering machine
玻璃膜微细线 glass-coated microwire
玻璃丝包薄膜绕包扁线 glass-fiber and film covered rectangular wire
玻璃丝包漆包扁线 glass-fiber covered enamelled rectangular wire
玻璃丝包绕组线 glass-fiber covered winding wire
玻璃丝包扁铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered rectangular copper magnet wire
玻璃丝包圆铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered round copper magnet wire
玻璃丝包有机硅漆浸渍扁铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered silicone-treated rectangular copper magnet wire
玻璃丝包有机硅漆浸渍圆铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered silicone-treated round copper magnet wire
玻璃丝包有机硅漆浸渍矩形铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered silicone-treated square copper magnet wire
玻璃丝包矩形铜电磁线 glass-fiber-covered square copper magnet wire
玻璃丝绝缘软线 glass-fiber-insulated flexibles
石英玻璃、熔凝硅石 fused silica
玻璃纤维、玻璃丝 fiber glass
玻璃纤维绝缘、玻璃丝绝缘 fiber glass insulation
玻璃丝编织线 fiber-glass braid wire
玻璃丝包线 fiber-glass covered wire