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艾滋病词典-HIV/AIDS terms(R-Z)
racism - 种族歧视
Discrimination against a group of people because of their ethnic background
randomized - 随机
A clinical trial in which the chance of one individual receiving one treatment is independent of what other individuals are receiving, and the only differences between the treatment groups is the treatment
rapid screening test - 快速筛选试验
A test for HIV infection that gives results quickly, within minutes
See: ribavirin
See: ribavirin
reconstructive surgery - 整形外科手术
Surgery to rebuild parts of the body; in patients on anti-HIV drugs, reconstructive surgery may correct some the physical changes created by lipodystrophy
recreational drug - 消闲性药物/软性毒品
Any illegal drug taken to alter a person’s perception of reality; common examples are marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth and heroin
re-infection - 再感染
When an HIV-positive person is infected again with the same strain of HIV
renal disease - 肾脏病
Disease of the kidneys
See: delavirdine
rescue therapy - 抢救治疗
HIV-drug therapy for people who have taken several drug combinations and have few options remaining
resistance testing - 抗药性/耐药性测试
Testing a strain of HIV to see which drugs it is resistant to; tests are either genotypic or phenotypic
retinitis - 视网膜炎
Inflammation of the retina of the eye, which can lead to blindness; retinitis is commonly caused by cytomegalovirus
retrospective study - 回顾性研究
A clinical study based on the medical records of patients, looking backward in time at events that happened in the past
See: AZT
See: atazanavir
ribavirin - 利巴伟林
A drug used to treat hepatitis C infection; ribavirin is usually given along with a form of interferon
ribonucleic acid - 核糖核酸
A single-stranded nucleic acid that encodes genetic information. RNA is normally a temporary copy for carrying genetic information from the more stable DNA; RNA takes the place of DNA in retroviruses such as HIV
rifabutin - 利福布汀
A drug used to prevent and treat tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease
ritonavir - 利托那伟
An antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection; ritonavir is a protease inhibitor (PI); it is most often used in low doses with another PI to create a boosted regimen
See: ribonucleic acid
safer injection site - 安全注射中心
A location with medical staff where drug users may inject their drug free from problems with the police
safer sex - 安全性行为
Sex that reduces the chance of transmitting HIV and other infections
salvage therapy
See: rescue therapy
saquinavir - 沙奎那伟
An antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection; saquinavir is a protease inhibitor (PI)
Septra - 复方新诺明
An antibiotic drug combination used to prevent and treat Pneumocystis pneumonia and some other opportunistic infections
seroconversion - 病毒测试转呈阳性
The time when a person infected with HIV starts making antibodies against the virus; when the antibodies appear in the person’s blood serum, the person is seropositive
serodiscordant couple
See: HIV-discordant couple
serosorting - 血清分类
When people of one status, HIV positive or HIV negative, actively seek out people with same HIV status for sexual or emotional relationships
sex worker - 性工作者
A person who performs sex for payment
sexism - 性别歧视
Discrimination against people because of their gender
sexual transmission - 性传播
Passing an infection from person to person through sexual contact
sexually transmitted infection - 性传染病
A disease transmitted through sexual contact; for example, gonorrhea, syphilis or chlamydiasis
See: varicella zoster virus
side effect - 副作用
A negative and unwanted effect of a drug on a body
sperm washing - 精液清洗
The chemical rinsing of sperm from an HIV-positive man to remove viruses before using it to inseminate his female partner
spinal tap
See: lumbar puncture
statistical significance - 统计意义
The probability that the result of a clinical trial is due to chance alone; in general, a result is statistically significant if there is less than 5% probability that the result would occur by chance alone regardless of the treatment studied; statistical significance is usually reported as a “p-value” of less than .05
See: d4T
See: sexually transmitted infection
See: anabolic steroid
STI (sexually transmitted infection)
See: sexually transmitted infection
STI (structured treatment interruption)
See: drug holiday
stigma and discrimination - 丑化与歧视
The fear, unfair treatment and rejection of people based on a single factor, such as being HIV positive
strain - 类型
A type or variety of HIV that has a distinct genetic code from other types of HIV
street drug
See: recreational drug
street kid
See: street-involved youth
street-involved youth - 街头青少年
Young people who live on the street, often with other street youth
Streptococcus pneumoniae - 链球菌肺炎
A bacterium that causes a common form of pneumonia, an infection of the lungs
subcutaneous injection - 皮下注射
A drug injection given just under the skin
substance user
See: drug user
superinfection - 重复感染
When a person with HIV is infected again, this time with a different strain of HIV
supplement - 补充剂
A vitamin or mineral taken along with a normal diet to make sure the body receives enough to function well
See: efavirenz
syphilis - 梅毒
A sexually transmitted infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum; syphilis progresses through three stages, each more serious than the previous; in people with HIV/AIDS, syphilis may progress more rapidly and be resistant to treatment; penicillin is the usual treatment
T cells - T淋巴细胞
White blood cells that play an important part in the immune system; the commonly measured T cells are CD4+ cells and CD8+ cells
See: enfuvirtide
T4-cell count
See: CD4+ count
See: tuberculosis
See: Traditional Chinese Medicine
See: therapeutic drug monitoring
tenofovir - 替诺福伟
An antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection; tenofovir is a nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI, nuke)
testosterone - 睾脂酮
A steroid hormone produced by the testes and adrenal glands; testosterone is the “male hormone” and is responsible for many male characteristics; testosterone levels are often low in HIV-positive men
See: tenofovir
therapeutic drug monitoring - 药物治疗监察
Measuring the level of a drug in a person’s blood during treatment; the goal is to ensure effective drug levels
therapeutic vaccine - 疫苗疗法
A vaccine given after infection to slow down or stop the disease by boosting the immune system
See: oral candidiasis
tipranavir - 非肽类蛋白酶抑制剂
An antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection; tipranavir is a protease inhibitor (PI)
topical administration - 局部性用药
Applied to the skin (for example, as a cream or ointment)
toxicity - 毒性
The quality of being poisonous or harmful; often used to refer to side effects of drugs
toxoplasmosis - 弓浆虫病
An inflammation of the brain caused by a parasite; it may also affect the heart, lung, adrenal glands, pancreas and testicles
See: tipranavir
Traditional Chinese Medicine - 中医药
An Asian system of healing that focuses on achieving internal balance through acupuncture, heat application, herbal preparations and exercises to restore the flow of qi (vital energy) and the balance of yin and yang
trans people - 跨性者
People who feel that the gender they were assigned (usually at birth) is a false or incomplete description of themselves
transcription - 转录
The first step in making proteins in a cell; genetic information encoded in DNA is copied (or transcribed) to messenger RNA
See: trans people
See: trans people
treatment failure - 治疗无效
When anti-HIV drugs cannot lower viral load or keep it low
treatment interruption - 治疗中断法
Stopping an anti-HIV drug regimen; see also drug holiday
treatment preparedness - 作好接受治疗准备
The idea that a person is ready to start taking anti-HIV drugs because they are aware of the importance of adherence and the possibility of side effects
treatment simplification - 简化治疗
Making a pill-taking regimen easier to follow by changing the number of pills to take or how often the pills are taken
treatment-experienced patient - 曾经接受治疗患者
An HIV-positive person who has taken at least one anti-HIV drug regimen
treatment-naïve patient - 从未接受治疗患者
An HIV-positive person who has never received anti-HIV drugs
triglyceride level - 三酸甘油脂水平
The amount of triglycerides in the blood; triglyceride is a fatty substance (lipid) that plays an important role in normal body functioning
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol (TMP-SMX)
See: Septra
Trizivir - 三恊维(拉米夫定+齐多夫定+阿巴卡伟)
An antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection; Trizivir is a combination of AZT, 3TC and abacavir, three drugs that are nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs, nukes)
trough level - 低压糟水平
The lowest concentration of a drug in the body between dosages
Truvada - 替诺福伟核苷类似物复合剂
An antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection; Truvada is a combination of FTC and tenofovir, two drugs that are nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs, nukes)
tuberculosis - 结核病
A disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and usually affecting the lungs; tuberculosis is often passed from person to person breathing in air containing the bacteria
See: cancer
undetectable viral load - 病毒载量低于检测水平
A viral load that is below the level that a test can detect; depending on the test, undetectable viral loads are below 400 or 50 copies/ml
unprotected sex - 不安全性行为
Sex with no condom or other form of protection from disease and pregnancy
vaccine - 疫苗
A medicine that triggers the body’s immune system to prevent or fight an infection by a specific bacteria or virus; prophylactic vaccines protect against infection, while therapeutic vaccines boost the immune system to fight an infection that is already present
vaginal candidiasis - 阴道念珠菌感染
Infection of the vagina with a yeast-like fungus
vaginal sex - 阴道交
Sexual intercourse where the penis is inserted into the vagina
varicella zoster virus - 水痘病毒
A virus that initially causes chickenpox (varicella), usually in children; years later, it may reactivate and can cause shingles, especially in people with HIV
venereal disease
See: sexually transmitted infection
vertical transmission
See: mother-to-child transmission
See: ddI
Videx EC
See: ddI
See: nelfinavir
viral load test - 病毒载量测试
A test that measures the amount of HIV in the blood; the two most commonly used viral load methods are PCR and bDNA
viral reservoir - 病毒贮主
A site in the body where HIV collects and multiplies, such as macrophages and lymph nodes
See: nevirapine
See: tenofovir
visceral leishmaniasis - 脏腑莱什曼病
Infection of certain organs, including the liver, spleen and skin, by a parasite
vitamin - 维生素
An organic substance involved in metabolism; vitamins are crucial for staying healthy and keeping the immune system strong
See: viral load test
See: varicella zoster virus
wasting syndrome - 虚损综合症
Severe weight loss
western blot test - 印迹测试
A laboratory test for antibodies against HIV and used to confirm a positive result of an ELISA test
window period - 窗口期
The time between being infected with HIV and the first appearance of antibodies in the blood; during the window period a person may test negative for HIV even though they have been infected with the virus
yeast infection - 酵母菌感染
Infection of the vagina with a yeast-like fungus
See: ddC
See: AZT
See: d4T
See: abacavir
See: AZT